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10 Best Factions in WCW History

Factions and stables have been around in wrestling for nearly as long as the sport itself has been televised. With so much segmentation in the past due to The Territories, it’s hard to tell which faction, or which group was the first one. There were early incarnations of Jimmy Hart’s First Family in Memphis, which included Andy Kaufman; the Legion Of Doom in Mid-South, which had Jake Roberts and the Road Warriors; the Heenan Family in the AWA and later WWE; and Devastation, Inc in Texas to name a few.

Great memorable factions are always something to behold. It evokes a team sport spirit to what is usually a singular sport. To fans, it allows you and all your friends to refer to yourselves as Horsemen or Degenerates or the Kliq and most recently, the Elite. WCW might not have gotten a lot of things right, especially towards the end. But for the most part, their factions were all pretty memorable. Here are The 10 Best Factions In WCW History, Ranked.


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